Downtown Angola
Angola, Indiana was incorporated as a town on Oct. 1, 1866. It became a City in 1906. At the turn of the 20th Century Angola was a booming town on a major thoroughfare known as TAG (Toledo, Angola, Goshen) Highway. As the name implies it was a major stop between those cities, growing from a frontier town to a flourishing metropolis in the early days of the 20th century.
Today, Angola’s heart and historic downtown, is located at the crossroads of US Highway 20 and Old US Highway 27. Historic downtown Angola was added to the National Registry of Historic Places in 2010 and is a city designated historic district. Soldiers’ Monument stands at the center of its public square.
Originally the monument was dedicated to those from Steuben County who fought in the Civil War and the women who supported them. The monument has come to symbolize even more to our county. It honors those who have served, are serving, and will serve in our country’s military branches. 2017 marked Soldiers’ Monument ‘s 100th birthday. As the seat of Steuben County, Angola is its largest municipality containing a quarter of the county’s population.

Angola Main Street Cleans Up Downtown
Angola Main Street partnered with community members and Trine University to clean up the downtown for Earth Day.