Sojourner Truth Statue
In 2020, the Downtown Angola Coalition was awarded the Women’s Legacy Grant for $40,000 from the Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs to commission a statue of Sojourner Truth on the Steuben County courthouse grounds at 55 S Public Square, Angola, Indiana. It is the same place Sojourner Truth gave a speech on June 2nd, 1861 during her tour and short stay in Indiana. The grant was awarded in conjunction with this project which celebrates 100 years of women’s suffrage since the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Upon installation, the sculpture was dedicated on June 6, 2021.

Read about Sojourner’s trip and ties to Indiana on the website of the Indiana Historical Bureau.

Sojourner Truth in the News:
Ava and Robert Budak wrote insightful essays about Sojourner Truth, which were published in the Herald Republican. The essays highlight Truth’s lasting legacy and impact on our community. These essays were published in November, 2022, which coincided with Sojourner’s Truth 225th birthday and the recent installation of lighting. Read about the completion and find the essays: